Spark Up Your Memories
Make This Months Yours to Remember
Cardigan, sweater, dress, skirt. Which will be your favourite piece for the season?
As always, we suggest you stay open to challenges and possibilities. And we encourage you to explore new worlds, worlds which you would never think possible. To play with outfits and pairings. Most of all, to reconnect with the changing face of the season. The joyous feeling of Summer months is not gone. It’s just taken another shape. The cheerfulness you thought you’d lost is now found in the light of a new sun.
Breath in. Can you smell Winter approaching?
Indulge in the Light
Lolling in the sweet Winter light can bring back memories, create new ones. Surrender your mind to contemplation.

This light will never go out.

Because it comes from right within yourself. Do not be shy to look inward. Do not be shy to be loved by those who you love. Do not be afraid to change your look to mirror your evolving inner world.